Hungarian-born US billionaire ready for his second space tour!
Charles-Simonyi.jpgThe Hungarian-born US billionaire Charles Simonyi is set to make a new history by becoming the first space tourist to take space tour twice, on Thursday, when he is scheduled to fly...
View ArticleISS Crew Reaches Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan.jpgA recent report has uncovered that the International Space Station’s three-man ISS crew, which was retired by NASA last year, has successfully landed at southern Kazakhstan on Sunday.It...
View ArticleCrew Reaches Space Station in Less than 6 Hours
Russian-Crew.jpgAn astronaut from the U. S. with two Russian cosmonauts took a short cut to reach space station and saved around 45 hours of journey. The crew took only 5 hours and 45 minutes to reach...
View ArticleHadfield becomes down to earth
Chris-Hadfield.jpgElaborate training is required for a business trek that takes you to Kazakhstan, then into space for five months. There's the decade of preparing, the time in isolate, getting fitted...
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